Dropshipping on Bol

In 1999, bol opened its digital doors as the first bookstore in Europe. The name BOL stands for 'Books OnLine'. The assortment then consisted of more than 140,000 books and unique was that customers could pay afterwards. Since 2004, bol has been selling much more than books, with the thought 'why not just make buying books easier'? The range was expanded to include toys, entertainment and electronics. Fast forward to now: now Bol is active as a retailer in the Netherlands and Belgium and has millions of customers and sales are going through the roof. But is dropshipping on bol possible to start selling?


We are regularly asked by entrepreneurs whether it is also possible to do dropshipping on bol. If you do a Google search, you get several answers. One website indicates that it is possible to dropship through bol, while another website indicates that it is not. Fortunately, bol itself already gives the answer and it is definitively not possible to dropship through bol.

Bol itself states the following about this (source):”Dropshipping: consider not delivering from their own stock or delivering via and/or in the packaging of another platform or store.” They then go on to explain this: “Delivering from outside the EU is one of the categories of policy violations we monitor. This policy is there because of the VAT rules that apply throughout the European Union.” So simply put, dropshipping through Bol.com is not possible.

Fortunately, as an entrepreneur, you can get a piece of bol’s success by signing up as a seller.


Bol is very popular in the Netherlands and Belgium and has huge name recognition. Ask any Dutch person on the street to name three major online stores in the Netherlands and chances are very high that bol is among them. You now know that it is not possible to dropship through bol, but fortunately it is possible to offer your products on the platform. One condition is that you supply the products you want to sell from your own stock. With dropshipping this is not the case, so dropshipping via bol is automatically not possible. Do you have the products in stock yourself? Then you can start selling on Bol!


At Brand New Digital, we love helping entrepreneurs who want to get started selling on bol. We are a full-service marketplace agency and can help you, among other things, to be optimally findable as a seller on globe. Together we look at how you can get the most out of this platform. We help you set up an account, create a good listing that stands out from all the other sellers and we help you create content.

Want to know what the opportunities are for your brand on Bol? We offer a free product scan to show you the possibilities. One of our trained marketplace specialists will contact you to show you, during a 30-minute introduction, what the potential for your brand on Bol can be.

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